Let’s take this WAY back in time…
Well not too far back, but in terms of internet years it may as well be a century ago. Let’s take it back to the time when you could make an organic post on your business Facebook or Instagram page, get a cup of coffee, and watch it take off with engagement, likes, and comments from potential customers in your community. Those were the good ole days, but those days are gone!
“Be the convenient choice”
Knowing the current social media landscape, and how to leverage it for your benefit, is essential considering there are over 190 million Facebook users and 140 million Instagram users spending over 2 hours per day on these social media platforms just in the United States. Most buyers will take the easiest and most convenient route when looking for a product or service. It is up to you to be the convenient choice! The companies that make it a priority to be easily accessible to buyers have the best results, but because there’s only one of you, and most likely thousands of people you want to reach, social media marketing can help you scale and project your message to the masses. Sounds simple? It can be when executed properly!
The foundation of your social media strategy can be broken down into 2 main categories:
1) Organic Posting
Consistency is king! I know we have all heard that line before, but what does it mean when it comes to your businesses social media presence? Consistently posting on social media will assist with SEO results, provide consistency, enhance online credibility, and open another source for buyers to access your company. It will also create a sense of community with those who are connected to your pages. The goal of these posts are to educate and engage your online community. Once you begin providing value, your community will notice and grow.
2) Ad Targeting
Ad targeting on social media is the process of actively isolating and targeting potential customers using paid advertising to turn viewers into paying clients. It is everything from designing the ad, setting your targeting objectives, and managing the program from start to finish. Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, house a treasure trove of data, and when used correctly it can become one of the best sources for new lead generation on the internet. Through ad targeting solutions we can tap into recent purchasing behavior, target by life events (buying a home, marriage, divorce, childbirth, etc.), harness voice data, and build customer loyalty through creating a structured audience. If you want to produce leads quickly, social media ad targeting may be a great choice for your business.

The bottom line is, your customers are on social media, and they are on it for Hours and Hours! You will either choose to be there in order to be the convenient choice or you won’t. Local and Qualified knows how to help businesses of all sizes when it comes to Social Media Marketing in 2021.